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Steel HR coil prices decrease further in Europe- 29 Mar 11

It is reported that HRC prices in Europe, after having broken the barrier of EUR 600 per tonne since more than 2 weeks, have taken another descent and are approaching the EUR 550 per tonne CFRFO mark. 
Specifically such levels are possible from Turkey (depending on quality and specification) and from some Chinese sources for "B" added material. 
Ukrainian HRC are offered around EUR 540 per tonne to EUR 550 per tonne without much success because the difference is judged too little compared with the minor quality level. 
Domestic producers are still quoting prices above EUR 600 per tonne EXW, however orders are booked in an "open way", ie with understanding of a possible adjustment at delivery time, depending on market development. 
No consequences have been felt by the market because of the forced withdrawn of Libyan HRC.

( source: www.steelguru.com )

Mar 29, 2011 10:54
Number of visit : 712


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