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Iran steel market trend in week 45


Billet price dropped around USD4-10/mt during last week in Iran. Size 150 mm was transacted for USD690/mt fot Anzali Port including 3% VAT. At Imam Khomeini port it reached USD700/mt. By middle of the week after some improvements in long products market, billet price was up a little but transactions level was so limited. Traders are dealing very cautiously.

At the end of the week, billet size 150 mm was again USD 690/mt fot Anzali port and USD 700/mt fot Imam Khomeini port at southern part of Iran.

Market participants mostly believe billet price would probably reach USD680/mt or lower fot Anzali, but falling amount won’t be high.

Last week imported billet was offered for USD 620/mt cfr Southern ports of Iran.


Long products

Long products prices started decreasing by the beginning of last week. On Saturday, I-beam price was down around USD5/mt, debar around USD15/mt and UNP by USD10/mt. This downward trend continued till Tuesday. At the middle of the week, angle and UNP prices became stable, I-beam and debar prices were up around USD20/mt.

Generally speaking long products market was stagnant during last months but as holidays and cold weather is coming, down ward trend will stay in the market.

Traders don’t find any reason for improvement in demand. Also government policy doesn’t let prices increase, as a reason bookings are so small.

Turkey and UAE origin debar is offering for USD630-640 cfr Southern Iranian ports.


Flat products

Last week flat products prices reached the bottom in Iran. 2 mm hot rolled coil, transacted for USD680/mt fot Anzali including 3% VAT, but by Monday was up around USD20/mt and stable till the end of the week. Other sizes of HRC experience same trend, dropped by Sunday but increasing afterward.

HDG and CRC prices were down, became stable and till the end of the week reached a week ago levels.

HDG import level has dropped so much during last months but has no demand yet. Its production is not cost effective too, but prices are stable.

CRC market is balanced. Mobarake Steel mill products are available in the market but demand situation is not clear.

CIS suppliers are offering CRC to Iranian customers at USD750/mt, HRC 2 mm at USD640/mt and HDG price is USD850/mt cfr Northern ports. But so limited transactions have been done in the import market.

Iran Steel Service Center


Nov 14, 2010 10:16
Number of visit : 696


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