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The largest in Europe scrap metals event

The 7th International Annual Forum “Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Scrap Metals – 2011” will be held in Moscow, Russia on February 17-18, 2011.


Don’t miss the opportunity of direct meeting with key exporters of scrap metals from Russia!


On the agenda:
Ferrous scrap market of Russia: results of 2010, current situation, and forecast
Export from Russia
Overseas markets: Asia, Middle East, USA, Europe
Transportation and logistics
Non-ferrous scrap
Chip scrap market
Scrap procurement and processing sites
Presentations of scrap processing and transportation equipment
And also:
Direct meetings with scrap suppliers (exporters) from Russia
Up-to-date market research by Rusmet’s analysts
Networking and negotiations
Wide advertising and sponsor opportunities


More than 300 participants are expected! Among them there are: scrap suppliers (exporters), scrap procurement and processing companies, consumers – metallurgical plants and mini-mills from Russian and abroad, scrap importers from all over the world, scrap processing and transportation equipment manufacturers and suppliers, representatives of Ministries, analysts, and banks.


Organizer: Rusmet Group of companies, Russian leader informational and analytical company and business events organizer for metallurgy, mining, and construction sector.


T/F: +7 495 9892674



To register please visit the official event Web site: http://lom.rusmet.ru/organizer_eng.php

Oct 24, 2010 09:09
Number of visit : 806


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