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HRC prices in Europe slide below EUR 500 CFR FO mark- 05 Oct 10

It is reported that prices of HRC are continuously decreasing. Because of stronger EUR, offers of material from overseas mills are already well below the EUR 500 per tonne CFR FO mark, with domestic producers following the path.
Riva in Italy is reported to book all available orders at prices around EUR 500 per tonne parity for base plus extras
Corus, after the rally of 10 days ago, is still continuing the sale activity offering prices slightly above EUR 500 per tonne delivered
Erdemir Turkey is also reported to offer at prices below EUR 500 per tonne CFR FO Antwerp
Essar Steel Algoma of Canada is actively looking for order at prices ranging EUR 490 per tonne to EUR 500 per tonne CFR FO one main European port.
Early next week main Ukrainian and Russian Mills, among which MMK and Ilyich, will announce new prices for November December deliveries and anticipations are indicating that price would be sensibly lower than previous ones.

Oct 5, 2010 16:01
Number of visit : 696


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