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American November steel exports drop by 39.9% YoY

According to the statistics of American Iron & Steel Institute, America steel exports posted at 5.22 million tonnes in November 2008, down by 39.9% YoY from 8.68 million tonnes in November 2007 and down by 25.8% MoM from 7.04 million tonnes in October 2008.

The statistics of AISI show that of all the steel exports in November, only that exported to petroleum and gas industry witnessed an increase of 5.8%, while that exported to cargo shipment service center dropped by 2.2%, to automobile industry dropped by 9.1% and to construction and contractor industry dropped by 7.5%.

It may be noted that the total steel outputs of AISI members account for 75% of steel production in the North America.

Jan 26, 2009 12:20
Number of visit : 660


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