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EU debar makers announcement of major hike unlikely to stick- 06 Sep 10

It is reported that the gap between domestic and import prices in European markets increased further last week, mainly in long products where import is almost virtual, owing the structural unexploited overcapacity.
During last week all EU Mills have announced price increases all across their production range, ranging between EUR 30 per tonne to EUR 50 per tonne. Specifically debars producers have announced increases up to EUR 50 per tonne, leveraging on ongoing scrap price increase.

However it seems more a move aimed to maintain the present level as the actual economic conjuncture doesn''t allow much hopes of real price increases. Customers are remaining extremely reluctant to book important quantities on long term delivery time as still feeling very unsure about the demand of their respective markets.

Sep 6, 2010 09:14
Number of visit : 618


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