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Iran Steel Market Trend in Week 28th, 2023

Iran Steel Market Trend in Week 28th, 2023


Billet market remained almost stable during last week in Iran domestic market. Despite lower ex-rate and market stagnation, concerns about higher gas and electricity price helped to stabilize billet price. Its average price changed from USD 571/mt to USD 275/mt ex-work including VAT.


Long Products

Rebar price was faced with a limited drop from USD 672/mt to USD 669/mt. Demand level is at the bottom and market is expecting downward prices in coming days.

I-beam had a stagnant market and changed from USD 720/mt to USD 712/mt. Downward trend will continue in coming days. Long-term sales of Esfahan Steel co helped maintain prices.


Flat Products

HRC 2 mm thickness decreased from USD 866/MT at the beginning of the week to USD 853/MT ex-work Mobarkeh by end of the week. Lack of demand and higher number of offers by some traders lowered prices.

HRP market sentiment is downward but lower supply level didn’t let oxin co price drop and stayed at USD 854/mt ex-work including VAT. Kavian co and Mobarakeh steel co prices have declined, therefore, Oxin co HRP will be downward too.

The downward trend in the price of CRC continued due to weak demand from USD 1237/mt to USD 1194/mt.

The downward trend of HRC and ex-rate, along with the stagnation of demand, put pressure on HDG market and its price dropped from USD 1249/mt to USD 1238/mt.


Weekly Analysis:

In the world market:

Global markets continued to be downward. Billet price of USD 450/mt fob seems to be near. This trend is also evident in slab and flat products market. The drop in prices causes the demand to fall and double pressure on the prices. The depreciation of Yuan strengthens the invasion of Chinese goods, which are a strong competitor for our exports. There is no news about serious demand, we have to wait until next month. Talks about BRICS currency have confused the markets, but USD cannot be easily removed in terms of the power it has in the financial structures of the world markets, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the like. It should also be noted that removing the USD means a severe economic crisis. In fact, it is not so easy to use yuan or any other currency instead of dollars.


In the domestic market:

Month of Muharram is coming and the market will traditionally stagnate for two weeks. There is no incentive in the market due to weak demand. The pressure of the government to reduce the prices has gone so far that it has started against the price of petrochemicals and steel, while the share of the government in the production of petrochemicals and steel is not comparable to the private sector.

By increasing the price of gas and electricity, the government eats up the profits of steelmakers to compensate for the budget deficit. Of course, this is the budget law, but can it be sustainable? At the moment, the inventory of the warehouses is sufficient and the market has no demand. Therefore, minerals should be exported. But what will happen after that??!!


CBI average ex-rate for Steel Products (SANA): Rials 371,692 / 1USD

17 July 2023


Iran Steel News Bulletin







Jul 17, 2023 14:17
Number of visit : 797


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