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Ukrainian hot metal output rate continues on downtrend in June- 14 Jun 10

According to the Ukrainian association of metal producers Metallurgprom, in May this year Ukraine average daily pig iron output decreased by 4,900 tonnes compared to April to 77,400 tonnes as the Ukrainian steel producers cut their outputs due to weak demand and the problems experienced by some local steelmakers in securing iron ore supplies.

Metallurgprom said "The decreasing tendency in steel production, seen in late May continues in June. Thus, the average daily pig iron output in the first seven days of June decreased to 63,000 tonnes"

In January to May this year Ukrainian steelmakers' average daily pig iron output amounted to 78,500 tonnes compared to 66,000 tonnes in the same period last year.

Jun 14, 2010 08:19
Number of visit : 741


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