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Iran steel market Trend in Week 04th , 2021

Iran steel market Trend in Week 04th    , 2021


Downward trend of billet during last week in Iran was quite predictable for two reasons: first, lower global prices, and second, more importantly, was weak long products demand, but billet production fell due to limited supply of DRI and power outages, which led to a drop in scrap price too.

Billet price declined by USD 5/mt to USD 498 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT.

Long Products

Rebar price dropped slightly during last week in Iran. Mills’ inventory level has fallen and prices are not in a position to fall further unless billet price goes down more. Offered rebars on IME were not welcomed by buyers due to market ambiguities. Average rebar price dropped from USD 562 /mt to USD557/mt ex-work including 9% VAT by end of the week.

I-beam price was also downward last week, weak demand and uncertainty in the market depressed the situation more. Its price changed from USD 582/mt to USD 560/mt.

Flat Products

2 mm thickness HRC was priced at USD 931 /mt on Saturday in Esfahan, but reached  USD 904 /mt by the end of the week. Other Mobarakeh Steel co items were faced with lower prices. Lower base price of the mill’s products at IME, along with weak demand made market more downward. Given downward global prices, more decrease in base prices at IME is not far from expectations.

Oxin co HRP had a light downward trend. Despite a relative boom in its consuming markets last week, the prospect of Oxin co sales starting in the coming days prompted sellers to return to the market.  Also lower slab base price at IME also affected market trend. Its price changed from USD 839/mt to USD815/mt. Kavian Co HRP price also fell from USD785 /mt to USD766/mt due to lower slab price.

Lack of demand and lower base price at IME made CRC price downward by USD13/mt to USD1182/mt by end of the week.

Lower HRC price and reduced demand made HDG price also downward from USD 1121/mt to USD1095/mt .

CBI weekly average ex-rate for Steel Products (SANA): Rials 225,648 USD

01 Feb 2021


Feb 1, 2021 13:39
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