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Iran steel market Trend in Week 01st ​ , 2020

Iran steel market Trend in Week 01st ​  , 2020


Billet had a stagnant market last week due to two factors:

First, closure of foreign markets due to New Year Holidays.

Second, long products market downward trend.

For this reason, Khuzestan Steel co on Wednesday offered billet with payment of letter of credit. The selling price of Khuzestan steel co at IME was USD 365 /mt ex-work excluding VAT, while on the same day, Esfahan Steel co  billet price was USD 356/mt 3% lower than Khuzestan Steel co and Khorasan steel product offer was USD 347 /mt, 5% lower . As a result, average billet price which was USD 375/mt on Saturday, became USD 383/mt on Wednesday.

 If Khuzestan Steel did not offer by LC payment, the base price would remain in the range of USD 367 /mt. Hopes about stable billet price till end of current Iranian year is questionable because the supply problem of DRI has not been resolved, as well as the problem of scrap supply caused by cold weather and lower construction activities. Some large mills which have their own DRI production lines are in maintenance and they have turned to the retail market to buy DRI to meet their needs.

Long Products

The average price of rebar on Saturday last week was USD 411/mt ex-work including 9% VAT, which by Tuesday reached USD 413/mt , but on Wednesday rose to USD 419/mt, while the price increase was due to the increase in billet price and on the other hand there is hope for rising prices after the January holidays and the opening of world markets. Rebar price is rising due to billet higher price not market improvement.

I- beam price was upward, while its supply was limited, especially for the size 14. The average price on Saturday was USD 467/mt, which reached USD 496 /mt  by end of the week. The supply of this product is heavily being controlled in the market, so expecting price drop seems unlikely.

Flat Products

Price of 2 mm thickness HRC was USD 563/mt ex-work Esfahan on Saturday and USD 538/mt  in Ahwaz, which reached USD 564/mt in Isfahan and USD 534/mt in Ahwaz by end of the week. HRC of 3 to 15 mm thickness of Mobarkeh Steel co were priced at USD 618/mt and reached USD 632/mt at the end of the week.

Oxin co HRP was priced at USD 592/mt on Saturday, but climbed to USD 631/mt on Wednesday. But by Wednesday, many traders became seller in the market and were offering  with higher discounts, with prices likely to range from USD 590 /mt to USD 598/mt  In coming weeks. Given the increase in the price of slab, the range of Oxin co HRP price declines cannot be significant.

CRC price saw a sudden sharp surge last week, one month ago selling price of Mobarakeh Steel co CRC was USD 512/mt, while last Wednesday became USD 650/mt, which is a 22 % increase. The change shocked the market price at once, and the average price of CRC, which was USD 734 /mt on Saturday, became above USD 769/mt on Wednesday. Many sellers worried about falling prices, came to the market by Wednesday, which could help ease the relative decline and stabilize the market this week.

HDG price was priced at  USD 722/mt for  0.40-1.5 mm thickness on Saturday but reached USD 789 /mt on Wednesday due to the increase in HRC price.

CBI weekly average ex-rate for Steel Products (SANA): Rials 117.006 / 1USD

06 Jan 2020


Iran Steel News Bulletin

Jan 6, 2020 17:43
Number of visit : 933


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