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Iran steel market Trend in Week 51st , 2019

Iran steel market Trend in Week 51st    , 2019


Average price of billet in Iran domestic market on last Saturday was USD 381 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT, which reached USD 385 /mt by Wednesday. The price trend was downward until Monday as rebar producers could not afford to buy billet at USD 380/mt so the market started to decline, lower ex-rate also affected downward trend.  But on Monday, as foreign exchange markets opened, billet price rose from USD 377 /mt to USD 385/mt over the weekend.

By beginning of last week DRI was traded at base price of USD 203 /mt, but by the end of the week supply level was very limited due to rainfall and transportation problems in the south of Iran, so there was no clear price trend at the end of the week. Most market participants predict that price of billet will not go down due to lower DRI supply level and in fact there is no more room for price reduction.

Long Products

Average price of rebar on Saturday was USD 433/mt ex-work including VAT. With lower currency rate, on Monday price was USD 419 /mt, but rose from Tuesday to USD 424/mt on Wednesday. 2 weeks ago average price of rebar was USD 419/mt. Our prediction was that due to DRI supply trend and the rainfall problem affecting its transportation, any price drop would be temporary. Numbers also indicate this conclusion.  Some rumors were talking about new price of rebar at IME this month would be around USD 9/mt higher than last month, therefore sellers became ready for upward trend in coming days. But also there are some cheap purchased cargoes which have not been delivered yet and won’t let rebar price upward trend become something easy. Actually rebar market is expected to correct itself in coming days unless billet price become upward due to the delay in production.

I-beam price was almost stable during last week in Iran. On Saturday, the average price of sizes 14 - 18 was USD 485/mt ex-work Esfahan, falling to USD 484/mt on Sunday, but rose from Monday onward to USD 489 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT by the weekend.

Flat Products

HRC 2 mm thickness started last week at USD 535 /mt ex-work Esfahan and USD 526 /mt ex-work Ahwaz. By Sunday prices dropped by USD 9 /mt but from Monday became upward again as by end of the week Mobarakeh Steel co HRC was USD 549 /mt ex-work Esfahan and Ahwaz product was USD 522 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT.

HRC thickness 3-5 mm price trend was not clear due to supply side unclear data. For thickness 6-15 mm prices were fluctuating from USD 592 /mt to USD 588 /mt and finally by end of the week became USD 611/mt.

Oxin co 10-40 mm thickness HRP was traded at an average of USD 596/mt on Saturday, but rose to USD 601/mt by Wednesday. The same trend was observed for Kavian co HRP, which ranged from USD 566 /mt on Saturday to USD 568/mt by the weekend. Some sizes of Oxin co HRP is almost scarce in the market and seems that the mill is paying more attention to its export trade than domestic market.

CRC had a quiet market last week in Iran, and the average price of USD 741/mt changed slightly on Wednesday and dropped to USD 738 /mt, which was due to the decline in prices of 0.90mm or higher thicknesses.

HDG price became downward by beginning of the week due to ex-rate issue and falling prices for the seven diamonds co, but improved slightly by the end of the week, from USD 753/mt on Saturday to USD 747 /mt on Sunday and then USD 752/mt and finally on Wednesday, it experienced a slight drop in prices and fell to USD 746/mt.

CBI weekly average ex-rate for Steel Products (SANA): Rials 113.008 / 1USD

23 Dec, 2019


Iran Steel News Bulletin

Dec 23, 2019 15:52
Number of visit : 1,009


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