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Iran steel market Trend in Week 49th , 2019

Iran steel market Trend in Week 49th  , 2019


As expected, billet price was upward during last week in Iran. The average price on Saturday was USD 377/mt, but reached USD 382/mt ex-work including 9% VAT at the end of the week. Size 150 mm was offered by mid-week above USD 383/mt, while its supply level was limited. Two factors were behind billet upward price:

First, the severe restriction of DRI supply and the rising price of steel scrap have reduced supply level of billet. DRI was offered at a base price of USD 196 – 205/mt excluding VAT, while it was faced with transportation problems.

Second factor was higher ex-rate. With January approaching, currency return on export will slow down, which is why most traders do not expect the exchange rate to drop but hope it to increase.

Billet producers have pre-sold their products for export till the end of February. As Chinese mills traditionally increase raw materials stock level at the end of each year, Iranian billet export will continue.

 Currency restriction due to approaching Christmas Holidays abroad makes exporting billet more attractive, however, Iranian DRI producers are left helpless. The government's policy is to keep the price down, therefore the current market trend is not expected to change.

Long Products

Average price of debar diameter 8 to 32 mm rose from USD 415/mt to USD 421 /mt by last Wednesday. As billet price is upward, this trend will continue in long products market too. Actually higher debar price was not due to better demand but just for higher cost price. If the export level be like last 6 months, price of debar will probably go up to USD 455/mt. The uptrend of debar at IME is also witnessing this.

 On last Sunday, Khorasan Steel Co sold its debar with USD 11/mt weekly improvement at USD 373/mt ex-work excluding 9% VAT.

As semi- finished products export level increase, the volume of raw material supply to re-rollers will become limited, resulting in higher prices for debar due to lower production volume.

I-beam price also went up and the average price of sizes of 14 -18 from Esfahan Steel co increased from USD 476/mt to USD 480/mt ex-work including VAT.

Flat Products

Price of 2 mm thickness HRC on Saturday in Esfahan was USD 547/mt ex-work including 9% VAT, which reached USD 556 /mt till Wednesday. In Ahwaz, HRC price rose by USD 14 /mt to USD 528/mt ex-work including 9% VAT. Availability of thicknesses 3 to 5 mm was limited during the week but the average price of thickness of 6 -15 mm rose from USD 551 /mt to USD 575/mt. Supply constraints, rising currency prices and sellers' expectations for market recovery were the main reasons behind price increase.

Oxin co HRP thickness 10-30 mm supply level was limited and made price rose from USD 531 /mt to USD 558 /mt by end of the week. Kavian co HRP also increased from USD 515/mt to USD 532 /mt while its supply level was limited. Higher slab price is one of the main reasons for the rising price of HRP.

CRC price rose from USD 712/mt to USD 744 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT. It had a fluctuating market and till Wednesday price trend was not clear by main suppliers.

HDG price increased from USD 752/mt  to USD 780/mt ex-work including 9% VAT.  The main reason for the increase was the rising price of HRC and higher ex-rate.

CBI weekly average ex-rate for Steel Products (SANA): Rials 109.753 / 1USD

09 Dec, 2019


Iran Steel News Bulletin

Dec 9, 2019 14:32
Number of visit : 1,107


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