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Iran steel market Trend in Week 33rd , 2019


Average price of billet was USD 339 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT last Saturday but fell to USD 335/mt by end of the week. The main reason for this decline was religious holidays and market was almost closed. On the other hand, supply of Chador Malo and Khuzestan steel co billet gave the market this feeling that supply trend would not be interrupted. As a result, prices went down, but despite a decline in price, number of billet sellers declined too, this could lead to a higher billet price in coming weeks. It should be reminded that last week was almost inactive due to the mid-week holiday.


Long Products

Debar price experienced a modest increase during last week from Saturday's average price of USD 376/mt to USD 376/mt by Wednesday. In fact, nothing really happened. The reason for lower price was market closure on Monday due to the religious Holiday. Share of debar in domestic market has fallen relative to exports. Actually debar price is depended on export volume and foreign markets potentials. Foreigners are not yet seriously active due to summer holidays, therefore a sharp decline in debar price seems unlikely. I-beam price didn’t change significantly and the average price of sizes 14 to 18 in Isfahan market declined from USD 378/mt  to USD 377/mt ex-work including 9% VAT.


Flat Products

2 mm thickness HRC price rose from USD 523/mt ex-work Isfahan including 9% VAT on Saturday to USD 534 /mt by end of the week. Ahvaz product which was offered at USD 499/mt on Saturday, had supply problems due to technical issues, so was not offered with a clear price trend. Mobarakeh Steel Co HRC thickness 3 and 4 mm was faced with supply constraints but the average price of 5 to 15 mm thickness HRC on Saturday was USD 495/mt and reached USD 499/mt by the weekend.

Oxin co HRP price was almost stable, rising from USD 466/mt to USD 466.6/mt.

CRC had a weak market that was affected by mill closure and official holidays, so the average price declined from USD 646/mt on Saturday to USD 642 /mt by the weekend.

HDG price was downward amid lower ex-rate and seasonal market weakness but its price is near the bottom level.


CBI weekly average ex-rate for Steel Products (SANA): Rials 113.149 / 1USD

19 Aug, 2019


Iran Steel News Bulletin



Aug 19, 2019 14:02
Number of visit : 475


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