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Iran steel market Trend in Week 25th , 2019


Billet price in Iran during last week was at downward trend as expected. Average price on Saturday was USD 359/mt and declined to USD 351 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT by the weekend. Some market chatters were heard about billet of lower than USD348/mt ex-work including 9% VAT. IME (Iran Mercantile Exchange) weekly supplies continued in the absence of sufficient demand.

June end is near and stricter sanctions against Iran steel market when long products export level has declined would be a problem. In this condition DRI producers in Iran are looking for higher prices. Market available inventories are for last purchases at base price of USD 152 /mt excluding VAT but mills are now looking for more than USD 161/mt.

 In any case, billet price is at its bottom, the continuation of this price will lead to a decline in production.

Better billet price in the future will be subject to the demand for debar, which is facing with export problems itself.

Average selling price of billet at IME, which was UDD 350/mt a month ago, which has dropped to USD 324 /mt currently. The main reason for the fall in billet price is lack of demand in long products market. On the other hand, market outlook is unclear and won’t let billet producers resist more against downward trends.


Long Products

Despite the fact that production has reached bottom, long products prices were almost stable mainly due to the drop in demand and lower export level. It was heard that export condition for Iranians is facing some problems in Iraq, if it is true, Iranian producers should Adapt themselves with new terms. Actually, small mills would be the losers of possible changes.

I-beam price was downtrend due to a drop in demand. Last Saturday, average price of sizes 14 to 18 in Isfahan was USD 402/mt , reaching USD 390/mt ex-work including 9% VAT by end of the week.

Many market participants hope that demand will improve in coming days as prices have reached bottom, but also it depends on billet price at IME and retail market too.


Flat Products

HRC 2 mm thickness started last week at USD 567/mt ex-work Isfahan including 9% VAT, but finished the week at USD 549/mt. Ahwaz rolling co HRC stayed unchanged at USD 527/mt. The reason for the decrease in the price of Mobarakeh Steel co HRC was that its base price at IME decreased by USD 12/mt, but in the case of Ahwaz rolling and tubing co, price has reached bottom, while its production for this size has dropped significantly. Most market practitioners expect slab price to fall, which will affect HRC price too, but the main problem is that export of pipes and profiles is low and has affected the demand for HRC.

Average price of thickness 3-15 mm HRC of Mobarakeh Steel co, which was USD 563/mt on last Saturday, fell to USD 548/mt by the end of the week. Downward trend was also seen in Oxin and Kavian co HRP products.

Oxin co HRP thickness 10 - 40 mm dropped by USD 6/mt to USD 527/mt by the end of the week, while the mill is resisting against lowering prices despite decreasing demand. Kavian co HRP thickness 12-30 mm also dropped from USD 526 /mt on Saturday to USD 516/mt ex-work including 9% VAT.

CRC price improved due to limited supply level. Average price of thicknesses 0.42 to 2 mm rose from USD 691/mt to USD 694/mt ex-work including 9% VAT.

HDG market was almost unchanged and had a quiet sentiment. Its average price changed from USD 857/mt to USD 857.5/mt by end of last week.


CBI weekly average ex-rate for Steel Products (SANA): 111.905 Rials  / 1USD

24 June, 2019


Iran Steel News Bulletin


Jun 24, 2019 14:16
Number of visit : 811


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