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Iran steel market Trend in Week 03rd , 2019


Billet price was almost unchanged during last week in Iran. The average price by last Saturday was USD 371/mt ex-work including 9% VAT and finished the week at around USD 377/mt. Since it was downward recently, slightly improved by last week. Generally, Iran’s billet market was affected by two factors:

1- Cold and snowy weather which declined transport of billet

2- Supply of scrap and its price

In the current situation, price of scrap is not in line with billet price. Price of Steel scrap was about USD 303/mt. After transportation and other costs, price of billet should be above USD 351/mt ex-work including 9% VAT to be attractive for producers.  Besides, supply of scrap is limited due to cold season.

It is common all over the world that during recession time, due to lower construction activities, scrap supply decline. Besides, mills which produce billet by using DRI were faced with limited demand during last week which is another sign for long products market depressed sentiment. DRI base price was USD 151-156 /mt ex-work excluding VAT and buyers were not interested.

Cold weather has made market quiet and trades will decline more. Otherwise, Long products mills would need billet, which can increase the price of the commodity in coming days.


Long products

Debar price experienced some up and downs during last week. Started the week upward, then stabilized and by Tuesday declined by USD 3/mt to USD 432/mt. Finally, till end of the week it was again upward.

Lower billet supply, production cuts of debar mills and delay in production for some mills, made debar upward.

it was announced late last week that mills can order up to USD 300 million to import raw materials. This is a good news for steel export market.  The current recession will continue until March, as construction in neighboring countries is also not active due to cold weather. This has caused a lot of people to pay attention to ex-rate.

I-beam, angle and channel market were also like debar. Till Tuesday prices were down and afterward became upward a little.



Flat products

Price of Saba Steel co HRC 2 mm thickness decreased during last week from USD 561/mt to USD 539/mt ex-work including 9% VAT. Price of Ahwaz Rolling and Pipe co product also dropped from USD 551/mt to USD 533/mt. Price has reached its bottom and there is no room for further reduction. Mobarakeh Steel co also offered 80,000 tones of its HRC Class B at IME at base price of USD 500.5/mt and finally sold it at USD 514/mt.

HRP thickness 3 to 15 mm had a slight improvement in prices. The average price of Saturday was USD 531/mt  and ended the week at USD 535 /mt ex-work including VAT.

Oxin co HRP price was almost stable with some sizes like 15 mm in limited supply. While Kavian co was not active like previous weeks.

CRC market had a calm and quiet week. Mobarakeh Steel co supplied CRC at USD 603.5/mt ex-work excluding VAT and made market insiders worried, as around 20,000 tones was offered but just 8900 tone was sold. HDG had a stable market with a limited price cut. The average price at the end of the week fell by USD 5.5/mt to USD 905/mt ex-work including VAT.



CBI weekly average ex-rate for Steel Products (SANA):     Rials 82,523/ 1USD

Jan 21, 2019


Iran Steel News Bulletin


Jan 21, 2019 14:11
Number of visit : 612


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