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US calls for using US made steel for infrastructure investments

US calls for using US made steel for infrastructure investments

Mr Jerry Costello US Representative is urging Congressional leaders to support domestic content provisions for the use of US steel as part of economic stimulus legislation.

He asked speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D California and Minority Leader Mr John Boehner vocally supported infrastructure investments as part of the economic stimulus package that Congress is preparing for consideration in January 2009.

Mr Costello pointed out that the economic downturn has hurt the domestic steel industry, resulting in production declines and worker layoffs.

He added that "By investing in our transportation and other infrastructure needs, we will create thousands of good paying jobs while improving the efficiency of our economy. It makes sense that, as we do this, we use American steel to further boost our manufacturing sector and retain and create jobs in the steel industry and other industries."


Dec 28, 2008 13:23
Number of visit : 667


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