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Iran steel market Trend in Week 52nd , 2017


Billet size 150 mm started week 52nd at USD 476 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT and size 125 at USD 469 /mt . After Khouzestan Steel sold its billet at IME on Sunday ( 24th Dec) at base price of USD 462 /mt ex-work excluding 9% VAT, retail market sentiment improved and size 150 mm reached USD 490 /mt and size 125 also improved to USD 485 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT.

But by Tuesday billet market became downward as long products market was silent. Finally, by end of the week billet size 150 mm was USD 471 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT with demand unavailable.

Khouzestan Steel co sold its billet in export market at USD 535/mt fob and USD 462 /mt ex-work excluding 9% VAT with cash payment in domestic market.


Long products

Debar diameter 14-25 mm started week 52 at USD 557 /mt ex-work Esfahan including 9% VAT and USD 529 /mt ex-work Dezfool including 9% VAT. By rising billet price at IME, long products were also upward till Tuesday, then became downward as finished the week at USD 557 /mt for Esfahan Steel co debar and USD 534 /mt for Roohina Steel co in Dezfool.

I-beam price improved by USD 16 /mt to USD 658 /mt ex-work including 9% VAT but its market was quiet.

Generally, it’s winter time and long products market demand is limited but higher raw materials prices have made long products production lower which influenced prices positively.


Flat Products

HRC 2 mm thickness dropped by USD 7 /mt to USD 653 /mt on truck in Anzali including 9% VAT and custom duties. Higher supply level by domestic producers beside limited demand made prices down. Kazakhstan suppliers were not in the market and just MMK was offering. A cargo of 5,000 tones offered at EUR 470 /mt cfr Anzali which was higher than Iran market level.

2.5-15 mm thickness products from Mobarake Steel co experienced some fluctuations but average price stayed stable. Thicknesses higher than 15 mm was not supplied by Kavian Steel Co but Oxin co product was offered at unchanged prices as demand was scarce.

Some insiders believe that current flat products market sadness has not been seen during last 10 years.

CRC market was quiet and unchanged. Global prices have risen and market insiders expect prices improve in Iran too.

HDG market was also stable and is expected to continue this trend in coming future.

In free market:  Rials  42,880 /1USD

31 Dec ,2017


Iran Steel News Bulletin



Dec 31, 2017 11:25
Number of visit : 890


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