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Turkish scrap imports rise in Jan-Aug

According to the data released by Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), Turkish scrap imports totaled 1.56 million tons for August, hiked by 20.4% compared with July but dropped by 22.77% compared with the same period of last year.

The export values amounted to some US$440 million in August, hiked by 49% noticeably compared with last month but dropped by 21.4% compared with the same period of last year. 

Moreover, Turkish scrap imports totaled 12.91 million tons in the first eight months this year, increased by 11.9% compare with 2016; export values amounted to US$3.54 billion, hiked by 38.9% compared with last year. 

Source: yieh

Oct 7, 2017 13:14
Number of visit : 895


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