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Iran Steel market Trend in Week 19th , 2016


Billet market was quiet during last week in Iran with transactions’ level very low. In domestic market billet size 125 mm was averagely Rials13 million/mt ex-work including 9% VAT . Some mills were offering at around Rials12.8 million/mt. For billet size 150 mm, private mills offer was around Rials13.5-14 million/mt ex-work including VAT. Khouzestan Steel Co billet product was not available in the market and Arfaa Steel Co billet was available at Rials14.1 million/mt ex-work including VAT.

Chinese billet price has declined to USD360/mt fob in global markets and CIS origin billet is USD420/mt cfr Iranian ports. This downward trend may continue. As higher custom duties for import announced by beginning of current Iranian year, imported billet should reach USD300/mt cfr Iranian ports to be interesting for the importers.

Big producers such as Khouzestan Steel Co are absent in domestic market due to their export market activity. This absence may help small mills which experienced heavy losses during last year, to have more share in domestic market.


Long Products

Long products were downward during last week in Iran. Debar diameter14-25 mm dropped from Rials16.56million/mt to Rials15.785million/mt ex-work Esfahan including 9% VAT. Average price of I-beam size 14-18 mm also dropped from Rials16 million/mt to Rials15.85million/mt ex-work Esfahan including 9% VAT. Downward trend in other long products such as angle and channel was also seen.

As this year government budget has not been announced yet, market participants worried about more depression try to decrease their inventory level. But there is no real demand in the market; therefore sellers are declining prices to find customer. Besides, export orders in billet market are helping billet producers to avoid declines.

Downward trend in long products market has made domestic mills produce on daily basis and buy raw materials for their daily needs. If market situation improve, this lack of raw materials inventory at mills warehouses will put them in trouble. Billet producers’ scrap inventory is at minimum level. If long products demand improve, as market billet inventory level is low it can’t answer improved demand. Therefore prices will surge suddenly.


Flat Products

Flat products were downward during week 19th like other steel products. Imported HRC 2 mm thickness dropped by Rials300,000/mt at Anzali port to Rials18.2million/mt on truck including 9%VATand custom duties. Its price at BIK port dropped by Rials400,000/mt to Rials18.2 million/mt on truck including 9%VATand custom duties. Pipe and profile producers mostly are not any more interested in imported HRC and prefer domestic material which its thickness is more than 2.5 mm. Import offers are declining and have reached USD420/mt cfr Iranian ports, but import level is declining as importers can’t have profit at this price too.

Better export demand for Mobarakeh Steel co flat products had made its domestic supply level reduced, but due to lack of demand price of pipe and square bar is declining.

For thickness 2.5-10 mm, HRC market was quiet and almost stable despite balanced supply-demand level. For thickness 15 mm market was facing with supply shortage from Oxin Steel Co. Mobarakeh Steel co products didn’t changed significantly due to market sadness. HRP thickness higher than 15 mm was downward. Oxin and Kavian co material with thickness 20 mm or higher dropped by Rials300,000/mt but no buyer was interested.

CRC market was quiet and its price dropped by Rials500,000/mt during the week. This downward trend was more obvious for imported cargoes. CIS suppliers are offering CRC at USD520/mt cfr Iranian ports  with 2 month delivery ,USD30/mt lower than last offers. Besides, some ready to shipment cargoes are being offered by traders at USD480-500/mt cfr Iranian ports. This has made importers worried about future trend and try selling their inventory faster. Mobarakeh Steel co service centers are also offering CRC cheaper than imported cargoes, though, buyers prefer Moabarakeh Steel Co product.

HDG market was also quiet like CRC market and prices experienced around Rials500,000/mt decrease and is expected to continue dropping in near future.


Official rate:30,360 Rials /1USD
In open market:34,480 Rials  /1USD

May 15, 2016 08:56
Number of visit : 1,295


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