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What America can learn from China’s infrastructure

As one of the greatest nations on the planet, the United States excels in a number of areas, innovation and entrepreneurship foremost among them. But something you might be hard-pressed to find at the top of anyone’s best-of list is infrastructure—specifically roads, rail and mass transit.

In this department at least, the U.S. has some catching up to do with other parts of the globe. The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 ranks the U.S. 16th in “quality of overall infrastructure”—15th in quality of its rail system and 16th in quality of its roads.

Heavy news indeed for the country known for building the first-of-its-kind transcontinental railway and interstate highway system.

But if you’ve been keeping up with current events, this shouldn’t come as a shock. The recent and very tragic Amtrak derailment in Philadelphia is a somber reminder that America needs stronger infrastructure policies at every level of government. This will not only help save lives but also create jobs, boost the economy and make transportation more safe and efficient.

Civil engineers have been making this case for years. Following its most recent assessment of all forms of infrastructure, from energy to schools to drinking water, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave the U.S. a depressingly low overall grade of D+. Levees and inland waterways were the worst offenders, both slapped with a D-. According to the group, which releases its report every four years, a staggering $3.6 trillion will be necessary by 2020 to bring the nation’s infrastructure up to ideal conditions. Short of this investment, the ASCE says, $1 trillion in U.S. business sales could be lost every year, along with millions of jobs. The mayors of some of the largest U.S. cities emphatically acknowledge the relationship between quality infrastructure and strong economic growth. In a recent poll taken of several mayors, Politico magazine found that infrastructure sits atop their list of concerns. Thirty-five percent cited “better infrastructure” as the one thing that could help their city’s economy grow the most; 31 percent said that “deteriorating infrastructure” was the city’s greatest challenge.

Source: mining.com

Jun 2, 2015 09:54
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