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Iran Steel Market Trend in Week 51st , 2014



Billet market was downward during last week in Iran. Domestic production billet size 150 mm was down by Rials200,000/mt to Rials15.5-15.6 million/mt ex-works including 8% VAT. Size 120 mm was also down to around Rials15.2 million/mt including VAT. But in global markets price of CIS billet is not any more decreasing and Chinese exporters are not offering currently.

The reason behind downward trend in Iran billet market is long products downward prices which made billet demand scarce.

Policy of lowering production level has been seen in billet market currently like long products market.

Due to religious holidays in Sunday and Tuesday this week, market will be almost closed in coming days, so any significant change during week 52nd would be unlikely.


Long Products

Long products continued declining during week 51st . Debar price was down by Rials200,000/mt  and there was almost no buyer in the market. I-beam price was also down, just size 18 mm improved due to low supply level. Price of angle and channel was also dropping.

Billet price is decreasing and long products are in low demand, so mills have no choice other than lowering prices. Market participants are waiting to see what would happen in next week as it will be almost closed this week.


Flat Products

HRC 2 mm thickness experienced a stable week. Higher ex-rate has made sellers more cautious, as import orders are finalizing with some delays. Sizes 2.5-6 mm experienced low supply level so prices didn’t drop. Mobarakeh Steel Co products sizes 10-15 mm were also stable. Oxin and Kavian Co hot rolled plate prices were also stable due to low supply level. But there is also no demand.

CRC market experienced some declines in prices due to higher supply level in import market. But as ex-rate increased, downward trend in prices stopped. Significant decline in price of CRC seems unlikely in near future.

In HDG market price increased around Rials100,000/mt but market is depressed and further improvement in coming weeks is not possible.


In Exchange Room: Rials 27,043/1USD       
In free market: Rials 35,100 /1USD 
Iran steel service center



Dec 20, 2014 13:58
Number of visit : 949


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