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Chinese steel industry in face of high cost and low profit – CISA- 04 Apr 11

China Iron & Steel Association said that China steel industry was in face of high production costs and low profits on the rising iron ore prices in the international market in the first quarter this year. The output capacity of the whole steel industry reached 0.768 billion tonnes per annum at the end of 2010, with market supplying capacity exceeding real demand.
In the Q1 2011, the averaged steel production cost rose by 27.5% YoY large and medium sized steel enterprises’ net profits totaled CNY 24.46 billion, with profit rate of 2.91%, down 3.29%, compared with the averaged rate of 6.2% of whole national industry.
Apart from that, 10 of total 77 large and medium sized enterprises suffered profit losses of CNY 0.65 billion, 13% of the total.
The data showed that domestic steel inventory reached 135.8 million tonnes in 22 major cities of China in late March 2011, up 39.28% compared with the beginning of the year.
CISA predicted that the annual increase rate of domestic demand for steel products will reach 2.6% to 4.6% during 12th 5 year plan (2011-2015). It is needed to strictly control the expansion of steel output and capacities while maintaining the balance of supply and demand in domestic steel market and try to maintain steel prices in a reasonable range.

( Source: www.steelguru.com )

May 4, 2011 08:09
Number of visit : 720


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