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Trump Trade War - Remove steel and aluminum tariffs before signing USMCA - Mexico

Industry Week The Canadian Press reported that Mr Juan Carlos Baker, Mexico’s deputy commerce minister, said that Mexico won’t sign the new North American Free Trade Agreement unless the US removes steel and aluminum tariffs on its two continental neighbours. He said “Lawyers and translators are finalizing the text of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and the hope is all three countries can sign the document on Nov 29 or Nov 30.”

He said “But Mexico won’t ink the agreement unless the US removes its 25 per cent tariff on steel and 10 per cent levy on aluminum. We believe we need to solve that issue before the signing takes place. It won’t solve the issue. We need to get these tariffs lifted. That’s objective No. 1. How do we get to that point?”

David MacNaughton, Canada’s ambassador to the US, told the same Ontario Chamber of Commerce event that he hopes the US tariffs will be lifted shortly, now that the new trade agreement is settled.

The trilateral trade agreement was struck before a deadline imposed by the US Congress. The aim was to get the deal fast-tracked and voted on by Dec 1, before Mexican president-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s incoming government takes power.


steel guru

Oct 29, 2018 13:24
Number of visit : 687


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